Bibliografia 5

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Abstract dalla banca dati PubMed consultata nel 2007 dell’articolo: V. Lounnas, B. M. Pettitt, A connected-cluster of hydration around myoglobin: correlation between molecular dynamics simulations and experiment, «Proteins», 18, 1994
Copie fotostatiche degli articoli:
- M. Delepierre, C. M. Dobson, M. Karplus, F. M. Poulsen, D. J. States, R. E. Wedin, Electrostatic effects and hydrogen exchange behaviour in proteins. The pH dependence of exchange rates in lysozyme, «Journal of Molecular Biology», 197, 1987
- D. ben-Avraham, Vibrational normal-mode spectrum of globular proteins, «Physical Review B», 47, 1993
- M. Diehl, W. Doster, W. Petry, H. Schober, Water-coupled low-frequency modes of myoglobin and lysozyme observed by inelastic neutron scattering, «Biophysical Journal», 73, 1997
- H. G. Nagendra, N. Sukumar, M. Vijayan, Role of water plasticity, stability, and action of proteins: the crystal structures of lysozyme at very low levels of hydration, «PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Genetics», 32, 1998
- C. Mattos, Protein-water interactions in a dynamic world, «Trends in Biochemical Sciences», 27, 2002
- J. Higo, M. Nakasako, Hydration structure of human lysozyme investigated by molecular dynamics simulation and cryogenic x-ray crystal structure analyses: on the correlation between crystal water sites, solvent density, and solvent dipole, «Journal of Computational Chemistry», 23, 2002
- B. Halle, M. Davidovic, Biomolecular hydration: from water dynamics to hydrodynamics, «Proceeding of the National Academy of Science», 100, 2003
- J. D. Eaves, J. J. Loparo, C. J. Fecko, S. T. Roberts, A. Tokmakoff, P. L. Geissler, Hydrogen bonds in liquid water are broken only fleetingly, «Proceeding of the National Academy of Science», 102, 2005
- D. P. Shelton, Slow polarization relaxation in water observed by hyper-Rayleigh scattering, «Physical Review B», 72, 2005
- T. Yokomizo, M. Nakasako, T. Yamazaki, H. Shindo, J. Higo, Hydrogen-bond patterns in the hydration structure of a protein, «Chemical Physics Letter», 401, 2005


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